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Organization Profile

CEOs across the country agree that an essential skill desired in the next generation workforce is creativity. In an increasingly demanding visual society, it is clear that building a child’s visual literacy skills is a vital role in their success in the future. Art in Action provides art curriculum, materials, and training that empowers students to develop creativity, critical thinking, self-expression, and problem-solving skills. Through hands-on learning students expand their knowledge in art and art techniques, cultural understanding, technology, and more — so every student has the skills they need to succeed and be prepared for jobs of the future. Today we reach 85,000 students, training 5,000 teachers and volunteers in 623 schools and afterschool programs in 32 states. 51% of those we serve are Title I schools in low-income communities. 82% of our schools are in California, with 55% located in the Bay Area.

Arts & Culture, Children & Youth Education, Schools, Sports & Recreation
Menlo Park, CA, 94025

Common Messages