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Organization Profile

Level Playing Field Institute

Mission Level Playing Field Institute is committed to eliminating the barriers faced by underrepresented people of color in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and fostering their untapped talent for the advancement of our nation. Vision We envision a world where a true level playing field exists – a world where everyone has equitable access to opportunities, including the historically disenfranchised. This level playing field would start in our educational system. Disparities in resources, high-quality teachers, rigorous courses, and technology would not exist. All students, regardless of race/ethnicity, economic background, parent education level, or neighborhood would be provided with opportunities to excel academically, access rigorous courses, and be prepared to apply to, and graduate from, top colleges and universities across the United States. As a result, our communities and workplaces will benefit from well-prepared, competitive leaders representing broad perspectives and sectors of society. LPFI provides the resources and support to ensure that underrepresented students of color throughout our nation can overcome barriers and obstacles to their success and thrive in STEM fields of study, from K-12 through higher education.

Children & Youth Education
Low-income Communities
Oakland, CA, 94612

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