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Organization Profile

On average, Seniors First provides approximately 80,000 individual services to seniors each year with programs and services that enhance and improve their health, safety, overall well-being and quality of life. Securing proper nutrition can become challenging as we age. A lack of transportation, limited physical abilities, or financial limitations often make a trip to the grocery store or meal preparation a near impossible task. This fact, coupled with the heightened rates of senior food-insecurity and hunger, make Placer County seniors particularly vulnerable to the negative health implications of inadequate nutrition. It is a hard fact that in Placer County nearly 30,000 adults age 60 and over do not know with certainty where their next meal will come from. Food insecure seniors are not necessarily food insecure all the time; it may simply reflect a need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing, utilities or prescription medication and purchasing nutritionally adequate food – a decision no one should have to make. Seniors First is dedicated to helping alleviate these challenges by offering free or highly subsidized meal options for older adults.

Senior Services
12183 Locksley Lane, Auburn, CA, 95602, United States

Common Messages