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Organization Profile

TO PROVIDE A PLACE OF REFUGE FOR RECOVERY AND RESTORATION THROUGH THE POWER AND LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST. Since 1948, the Modesto Gospel Mission has provided nutritious meals, warm beds, and a place of safety to thousands of poor and homeless men, women, and children. The Mission is able to serve some of the most broken people in our community by helping them get off the streets and radically change their lifestyle through a myriad of programs and services. We offer hope through the love of Jesus – in word and deed. The Mission ministers to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each guest. More than a food bank or soup kitchen, we provide daily shelter, clothing, meals, showers, Bible studies, life skills classes, employment training and assistance, addiction recovery, a medical clinic, and more. To meet these needs, the Modesto Gospel Mission depends on local gifts from individuals, churches, groups, foundations, and businesses that care about the poor and homeless in Stanislaus county.

Faith-Based Service

Common Messages