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handson bay area testimonials

HandsOn Bay Area corporate partner testimonials

HandsOn Bay Area works with over 50 innovative companies annually — giving tens of thousands of volunteer hours in support of our local communities. Here are just some of our satisfied partners.


mary wyatt gap inc.

quotesThere is no way we could do this without HandsOn Bay Area. The team connects us with local organizations and makes sure we're giving gifts to the families that are most in need.

Mary Wyatt on Gap Inc. Adopt A Family program
Marketing Manager
Gap Foundation + Global Sustainability

gap inc. logo


katie morgan booth sap

quotesHandsOn Bay Area takes care of all of the logistics, makes sure the community's needs are being met, and gets tools and supplies ready so our employees can show up and get right to work.

Katie Morgan Booth
Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, North America

sap logo



john edmiston testimonial

quotesWhen I know that HandsOn Bay Area is in charge of a project, I don't have to worry about it. Work with them - you'll be impressed with every aspect of how they manage your event.

John Edmiston
Former National Manager, Community Engagement
Kaiser Permanente



jamie olsen salesforce testimonial

quotesWe wouldn't be able to do this without our partnership with HandsOn Bay Area. They come in and really put on amazing events that are engaging to our employees and they do everything start to finish.

Jamie Olsen
Senior Director, Employee Engagement Programs

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