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Why do you ask new volunteers to pay a $25 Volunteer Activation to register?

As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, HandsOn Bay Area asks new volunteers to pay a one-time, life-time Volunteer Activation of $25.

The $25 directly supports the technology and staff time that make our community calendar of opportunities possible. HandsOn On Bay Area community calendar opportunities provide a steady stream of volunteers to dozens of local nonprofits who rely on our support.

In 2016, Our community calendar provided our 70+ community partners with:

  • 4,300+ volunteers

  • 12,400+ volunteer hours

  • $350,000+ value of volunteer hours (based on Independent Sector data $28.46 per hour for CA in 2016) 

We are proud to say that we do not turn anyone away for lack of funds and grant an average of 30 waivers each month. Again, we do not turn anyone away for lack of funds.

If you cannot pay $25 at this time, no worries! Fill out an activation waiver at the end of the registration form.